Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Good Personal Hygiene Tips During Pregnancy

Every woman must inculcate good personal hygiene habits. A poor hygiene routine spells good news for that germs and bad news for your career, health and relationship. If your hands are stranger to sanitizers you may be at risk of catching some annoying infections and deadly germs. Don't let the invisible bugs, yeast infections and bacterial growth creep on you.

Some of these changes are needed to assist foetal development and also to prepare the body for labour, increased alteration in hormones during pregnancy can also intensify dental problems. Therefore, maintaining personal hygiene becomes increasingly essential during pregnancy.

  • In your intimate hygiene use liquid cleaners uniquely formulated for pregnancy, and select one by having an acid PH, possessing natural ingredients and also have antibacterial and soothing properties, to safeguard and properly moisturize your intimate area. Keep in mind that intimate soap should have a ph that respects the natural acidity of your intimate area.
  • It's not recommended during pregnancy that uses intimate deodorants or powders, or whenever you shower use bath salts or bubbles, use only cleaners created for this intimate pregnancy
  • Do not use tight-fitting underwear or man-made materials, the clothes you should be lightweight, comfortable and absorbent, to prevent moisture and promote wellness.
  • It's important to wear cotton underwear, that allows the skin to breathe; underwear ought to be changed frequently, and whenever necessary, have to wash it with a mild detergent and really should be completely dry before use to prevent humidity in this region.
  • You should not douche for your personal hygiene during pregnancy, because the only stuff that will make you will destroy your vaginal flora, since the vagina is an organ that cleans just inside, so it's not advisable to make vaginal douches, because they will produce an alteration vaginal flora and could be more easily increased chance of infection.
  • Keep your genital area clean so that you wash every time you use the bathroom, always clean the perineal area from tailgate to cab and hold a towel for your personal use only.
  • Do not worry an excessive amount of about the loss of vaginal discharge since you do not pose any problem, on the exact opposite, plays a beneficial role since it keeps the vagina clean and protects it from possible irritation.
  • During pregnancy very significant hormonal changes that cause a series of alterations of the skin and mucous membranes occur, there is a risk of genital infection, hence there's any change in vaginal discharge, and will be a gynecological examination.
  • It's not recommended the continued use of panty liners, it might cause an increase in temperature and cause harmful bacteria to amass and in this way the skin of the area not breathe properly, can cause odors, irritation and become a source of infection.

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