Saturday, 31 January 2015

The Signs and Symptoms of Early Pregnancy

Some women declare that they just "know" that they are pregnant, just soon after conception. Symptoms vary greatly among women, however, and some women have few symptoms early in pregnancy. Luckily, Mother Nature has created several different early pregnancy signs that will help women to realize that they may be pregnant.

Symptoms of early pregnancy include missed periods, breast changes, tiredness, frequent urination, and vomiting and nausea (morning sickness). However, these symptoms might be caused by other factors and do not suggest that you are pregnant, so if you suspect you're pregnant take a home pregnancy test and see your doctor.

Exhaustion or Fatigue

Early pregnancy can make a woman feel extremely tired. A heightened need for sleep, or the sudden requirement for a nap in the middle of the afternoon may well be a sign of pregnancy. The feeling of exhaustion is common for a lot of women at this early stage of pregnancy, also it usually disappears until the last stretch of pregnancy, following the First Trimester.


Overwhelming tiredness is common in early pregnancy. This really is most likely caused by the massive rise in the sex hormone progesterone. Progesterone is required to maintain the pregnancy and help the baby to develop, but it also slows your metabolism. Levels of energy usually rise again by round the fourth month of pregnancy once the placenta is well established.

The Many Moods of Early Pregnancy

The moods swings of early pregnancy are often intensified versions of what some women feel when their hormones start to swing. Pregnant women often experience mood fluctuations early in pregnancy and often describe it as being strong PMS mood swings. General pregnancy stress might also contribute to mood swings in early pregnancy.


Bloating can be a symptom of pregnancy when it does not go away after a couple of days, which is more common with women who've some bloating before a period. Clothing may feel tighter, even just in this early stage of pregnancy. Women who don't notmally deal with any monthly bloating, may notice this early pregnancy symptom first.


In the onset of pregnancy the hormone progesterone increases your lung capacity. This allows you to carry more oxygen to your baby and get rid of waste products such as the carbon dioxide that you simply both produce. At each breath you breathe deeper and the amount of air a person inhales (and exhale) increases significantly. This can make you are feeling short of breath.

Increased Trips towards the Ladies Room

Increased trips towards the bathroom usually begins when women are several weeks "late" with their period, or around 6-10 weeks right into a pregnancy. This can be a sign for women who understand that their bathroom trips tend to be more frequent, without an increase in fluid intake. Frequent urination is really a sign of early pregnancy.

Tender Breasts

One of the earliest signs of pregnancy that women often report, is really a soreness or tenderness for their breasts. Some women notice early breast size increases at the moment. This can be a common symptom for women who experience breast tenderness in their monthly cycle, but during early pregnancy, the tenderness seems more common for any greater number of women.

Morning sickness

Nausea during pregnancy can happen with or without vomiting. While morning sickness is most common between weeks four and eight of pregnancy, many women experience this symptom beginning about fourteen days from their date of conception.


Having trouble buttoning your jeans? Early pregnancy bloating is hard to differentiate from pre-period bloat, but it's definitely something you'll feel early on (for many women, that is). You can't blame that puffy ate-too-much feeling on your baby yet, however, you can blame it around the hormone progesterone, which helps slow down digestion, giving the nutrients from foods you consume more time to enter your bloodstream and reach your baby.

Sensitivity to Particular Smells or Odors

Women sometimes possess a heightened sensitivity to certain smells or odors in early pregnancy. Some women can't bear the odor of greasy foods cooking without gagging. Others feel queasy with lots of different odors. Early pregancy seems to be a time when some women react strongly to some variety of smells or odors.